

The Bible teaches us that it is better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). As such, we believe that God wants us to be charitable givers: givers of our time, of our finances and of ourselves.


 …Of Ourselves

Everyone who is a part of Harrogate Elim is encouraged to give of their time and of themselves. We give of ourselves by being available to other people, offering hospitality, helping each other out with the everyday practical stuff as well as the big important life stuff. Everybody is able to do something, which means, everybody is able to do something for someone else. It doesn’t always take much to make a difference.

…Of our Finances

We also believe in the importance of giving financially. Many give to the church as a response to God’s instruction to give generously, while some do it as a way of supporting the work that their local church does when they cannot get involved themselves. Most importantly however, we give our money back to God as part of our worship, by sacrificing back to Him what He initially provided for us.

If you want to give financially you can do so:

At Church

– By dropping your offering or cheque into the offering box provided at church (cheques made payable to ‘EFGA Harrogate Elim Church’)
– By texting CH007 to 64647

At Home

– By texting CH007 to 64647
– Direct from your bank by setting up a standing order
– By making an online payment on the next page, using our secure online giving facility

•We encourage UK tax payers to consider using Gift Aid for their giving, increasing the amount they give by 25% at no cost to themselves. Just complete a Gift Aid form once and the rest is easy. You can get these forms at church by speaking to our Finance Officer or by downloading them below. These will then need to be returned to our Finance Officer for submission.